Friday 26th April: U2Baby make their debut at the Bier Keller

U2Baby - the U2 Tribute Band - the sound, the look and the attitude

U2Baby are the U2 tribute band from west London that The Church fly IN to Dublin when U2 are playing. Such is their reputation for delivering a U2 show their clients include famous venues such as the Globe Cardiff, Sporting Club Monaco, Tribfest Bahrain, Mad Club Lausanne, and the Cavern Club in Liverpool.

For U2Baby the sound is important, the look is important, but ultimately they recreate the feeling of a live U2 gig. The chills, the hairs standing up on the back of the neck.

Everything that makes a U2 show so special. Hit after hit from the 80s to the present day from A Sort of Homecoming to With or With Out You. They have been booked to play four gigs in Dublin in November when U2 are at the 3Arena and also at the famous Boyles of Slane.

These guys are the U2 fans tribute band of choice and the definitive tribute to the music of U2.