That’s us closed till we don’t know when. Word is well past January 2021! 😥

We’ve tried our best. We’ve tried to adapt. We’ve invested in the business to make it better and safer, but it’s never ending. There’s always something not right or not good enough. It’s difficult for everyone, but hospitality is really taking a bashing rite now.

We’ve tried to put as many COVID measures in place at great cost and time and do our best to control and inform customers with the ever changing environment. Despite all our efforts there was always something else to contend with.

it was exhausting trying to keep one step ahead and remain open. Perhaps being closed will give us a little time to reassess things and come back stronger 🤞

Hopefully, all of this will be behind us sooner than later.

We are still available to purchase our take away products like cocktails, kegs, lager and liqueurs. Just PM our Facebook page or call 01346 517620

Many thanks for your support and understanding these past few months as we’ve worked so hard to keep open and comply with all the restrictions.

All the best for the festive season and New Year. Here’s hoping 2021 is so much better for all of you!

The TEAM at Cheers!