3 years
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
SICKNOTE 12.09.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
RubaDuck 08.09.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
FRI-YAY 10.09,21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
UG Saturdays 11.09.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
Friday 10th & Saturday 11th
Club Tropicana & Venga, Dundee
3 years
Friday 10th & Saturday 11th
Aura Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
U N D E R G R O U N D - S A T U R D A Y S 28.08.2021
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
SickNote Sundays 20.09.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
Project U 30.08.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
RubaDuck 02.09.2021
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
FRI-YAY 03.09.2021
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
U G S A T U R D A Y S 04.09.21
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
RubaDuck 26.08.2021
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
FRI - YAY 27.08.2021
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
3 years
Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th September
Club Tropicana & Venga, Dundee
3 years
Friday 27th and Saturday 28th August
Club Tropicana & Venga, Dundee
3 years
Saturday 28th August
Duck Slattery's Showbar, Dundee
3 years
Saturday Night at The Movies
Duck Slattery's Showbar, Dundee
4 years
Friday 27th and Saturday 28th August
Aura Nightclub, Dundee
4 years
Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th September
Aura Nightclub, Dundee
4 years
#UisBack Opening Weekend Pics.
Underground Nightclub, Dundee
4 years
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st August
Club Tropicana & Venga, Dundee
4 years
Opening Weekend Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August
Club Tropicana & Venga, Dundee
4 years
Beach party Saturday 21st August
Duck Slattery's Showbar, Dundee
4 years
Late Christmas Show Saturday 14th
Duck Slattery's Showbar, Dundee
4 years
RE:OPENING WEEKEND - Fri 13th & Sat 14th August
Aura Nightclub, Dundee
4 years
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st August
Aura Nightclub, Dundee
4 years
President's Dinner and Annual Awards 2020 / 21
DUSA The Union, Dundee
4 years
Freshers' Week - Rock vs Disco
DUSA The Union, Dundee