Tonight we are giving you a chance to win VIP booth! Get a raffle ticket on entry - Draw will take please in the early hours - Good Luck!

Entry tickets -Only 50 x £1 entry before 12 tickets available:

Online Booth offer - Only 5 x £30 booths - Mid week Package - Private Booth, Bottle of House Spirits & Mixers:

🙌🏻 2 Drinks for £5 = Any House Spirit & Mixer, VS Bottles, Calrsberg Bottles, Jager Bombs, Tequila, Sambucca

🙌🏻 £1 Shots
🙌🏻 £2 Spirit & Mixers
🙌🏻 £2 Carlsberg // VS Bottle
🙌🏻 2 for £5 Bud // Corona // Peroni // Desperado // Smirnoff Ice // WKD
🙌🏻 £2.50 Selected Pints

ENTRY PRICE: £3 All night

£40 Midweek booth packages available - Bottle of House Spirits and mixers