The photos are LIVE! Captured by Lee! Go tag yourselves!

A big night for our sports teams here at Staffs!


A huge congratulations to the Lacrosse team on a huge win!! (17-6 if you were curious)

Another big win for Staffs with the Staffs Stealers! Congrats guys!

Shoutout to Staffs Women's Hockey who drew 3-3!

you all make us PROUD to be Staffs x

We hope you enjoyed yourselves! We also have a few Birthday shoutouts this week!

Happy Shoutouts! for:

Nat's Birthday!

Ed's 20th!

Kalen's 20th!

Charlie's 21st!!
(from George)

Alexander's 20th!!

Elloise's 19th!

Jasmines 21st!!

Beke's 21st!

Keep locked in to our social media pages for more exciting announcements from Staffs Union! X
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