Not long now till we bring in another new year. Let’s hope 2021 sees the end of all these restrictions and we can all come together again.

It’s been very challenging times for everyone, some more than others, but everyone has been affected some way or another. Difficult and trying times, but having said that, it’s also been amazing how everyone has come together in many different ways by helping and supporting others and being mindful how much more difficult it can be for those that are less fortunate, perhaps alone and with little support.

Here’s hoping things will be much better in 2021 and we can get back to a bit more normality for all our sakes.
We would like to thank everyone for your support throughout this very challenging year and wish you all the very, very best for 2021!

Here’s our regular piper Joe Watt performing at our New Year bash last year to give you a bit of Hogmanay Cheer!. Hopefully this time next year Joe will be back performing again!

Happy New Year from the TEAM at Cheers!
Take care and stay safe!