Don’t let this miserable weather ruin your weekend. We’re still here for all your Skating, Drinking, Eating and even Footie needs! 💫

Our first Skating Session kicks off from midday today, and there’s still a handful of spaces left for each slot. Be quick, and book on now via the link in our bio! Don’t forget to enter “KEEPROLLIN15” at the checkout for 15% off your booking, this expires tomorrow, so make the most of it now! 🛼

Come on down, have a skate and stick around for some drinks from us, and food from @invisiburger 🍔 Top Saturday plans!

Worry not, we’re still showing the Euro Matches from our Garden today (whilst crossing our fingers and toes that the rain will clear off). Failing that, we’ve set up a space inside our venue which will be showing the games too! ⚽️ 🍺

#invisiblewindfactory #rollerskating #liverpool #iwfrollerdrome