PARRJAZZ presents Roosevelt Collier at Phase One on April 14th

Pedal and lap steel guitar ace Roosevelt Collier, so proficient he’s affectionately known as “The Dr,” released his solo debut Exit 16 earlier this year on GroundUP Music.It's a potent mix of blues, gospel, rock and, in his words, “dirty funk swampy grime,” as overseen by producer and Bokanté bandmate Michael League (from the Grammy-winning Snarky Puppy). He's joining us at Phase One this April for a special performance.

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“Roosevelt’s musicality is like the best New Orleans gumbo - taking bits and pieces of all the best things and cooking it up into something magical” - David Shaw - The Revivalists.

"Some nasty, mean-ass funky business...These seven tracks (three more on the digital) scream and grind and kick and bite.” -Relix