Last Night A DJ Saved My Life

Are you a DJ? Would you like to join the worlds largest DJ event?

Be a part of the world's largest simultaneous DJ live stream event from 8th-10th May and raise funds for our Covid-19 Emergency Appeal.

Whether you're a global name or simply a big name in your own area or household, we need your help!!! You can make a difference!

With well over 2000 DJ's and counting, who have already registered to do a Set For Love, including legends like Nightmares On Wax, Terry Francis, Brandon Block, A Guy Called Gerald, Barbara Tucker Saytek Live, Jonathan Ulysses and many more! Plus an array of labels,promoters,magazines and agents involved. This is set to be something special!!

Sign up today. visit www.setforlove.org for more info!

Please like, share and tag your favourite DJs - from global superstars to your best mate! We want to bring the whole DJ community together like never before to raise funds for our Covid-19 Emergency Appeal.
