The Night Owl 'Shakin' All Over' Cocktail Classes - Episode 4 - Heart of Glass

The Night Owl 'Shakin' All Over' Cocktail Classes Episode 4: Heart of Glass

The Night Owl's Cocktail Queen Jessie teaches us how to make a Night Owl special - Heart of Glass!

To make this you will need Rhubarb gin (raspberry or pink is okay too!), strawberry syrup, recipe to make your own below if you can’t get hold of any, fresh strawberries, raspberries and lime, Prosecco and lemonade to top.
For syrup, add 250ml water and 150g of sugar to a pan and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Then stir in about half a punnet of quartered strawberries, boil for 10 mins or so and then simmer until the strawbs have gone mushy and the sauce is combined. Pop into a bottle and stick it in the fridge! Wait till it’s cold before you use!

Book your group cocktail class with Jessie via our

Music by Nassir (Big Boss Man, The Bongolian)