Percy's Through The Years: The Performances 2020

photo report
Well, we only managed the first 2 and a half months of the year hosting live music events at Percy's before being forced to stop and close our doors due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Our last event was Social Confusion with support from Estate and Josh Lobley on Saturday 14th March 2020.

We still managed to host 18 live music events and welcome a total of 43 bands to come and perform at the venue before the inevitable happened.

One of these shows included our first proper pay to enter event featuring a headline set from Fahran with support from Ashen Reach, Novustory and Cry For Mercy.
The event was hailed as a success and something we must definitely look at doing for future shows.

However, by the middle of March things were about to take a massive turn for the worse for everyone, especially anyone involved in the entertainment, hospitality and live music sector like ourselves.

Since our closure in March, we've had to cancel in the region of 80 live music events and inform around 200 bands and artists that wouldn't be able to come and perform here at Percy's in 2020.

We hope to be able to reschedule as many of these shows as possible for you and be able to bring them to you sometime this year.
But we won't know when we can do so or be able to reschedule these events with any guarantee until this virus has cleared up and the restrictions are a thing of the past.

We had a massive year of incredible live music planned to bring you in 2020.
Building on from 2019's success, we were due to have another busy one hosting even more bands from all over the world and right here in the UK.

We're very much looking forward to welcoming you all back here through our doors at Percy's for live music and drinks as soon as possible as we're missing seeing everyone's faces so much and creating a fun and friendly atmosphere.

In the meantime, please take this opportunity to look through our brief year in live music that was 2020.

As you can see from this photo album. So many incredible moments happened in those first couple of months brought to you courtesy of some outstanding photography.
You can only imagine what the rest of the year would've looked like, it would've been epic!

This photo album features live performances at Percy's Cafe Bar and Live Music Venue from...

Last Reserves, IOTA, PussyWillowFurryVenus, MartYriuM, Fahran, Even Flow, CRAWLERS, Filthy Tricks, Dischord, The Scumbags, Brassick, Cry For Mercy, Novustory, Ashen Reach, Voodoo Sioux, Age & Mistakes, Kicked In The Teeth, The GOGS, Vulture Cult, Raised By Wolves, NESH and Social Confusion.

With photography by

Paul Samuel

Ashlea Bea Photography

Emma Victoria

Joe Stanley Photography

Callum Clark

Ruskin Roader

Phukin Photo's by Scott Bradley


Stacy Rosemary Winson

A huge thank you to all the Photographers and their photography featured in this album and the previous Percy's Through The Years photo albums.

To everyone else, thank you so much for your support over the years and continued support as we look to the future with great hopes.

We all love and appreciate you so much and we hope to see you all real soon!

Take care for now and please feel free to comment and share these photo albums as well as letting us know and sharing with us your most memorable moments at Percy's over the years!


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